I am generally interested in a number of topics, including (but not limited to):
- Astroparticle physics, in particular (gravitational wave/lensing) probes of (dark) celestial objects
- Cosmology of the pre-BBN Universe
- Strong coupling (QCD and QCD-like theories)
- Dark matter physics, in particular ultralight bosons (including axion-like particles) and light dark matter
Recent papers can be found here.
I currently supervise a number of PhD, MSc, and 4th year students and work with a number of IPPP postdocs.
If you are interested in working at the IPPP or in my group, feel free to reach out. However, formal applications for an October start should be submitted to the University in November/December of the previous year, and hiring takes place shortly after that. Please refer to this page for PhD opportunities and monitor AJO for postdocs.
Public codes/data
- Repository for constraints on Extended Dark Objects
- MULTIPASS: Multi-Generational Black Hole Population Analysis with an Astrophysically Informed Mass Function (supplementary)
- Accretion by Extended Dark Objects and CMB constraints
- Light curves for variable, point-like microlensing, and extended objects microlensing sources with regular cadence and OGLE-II timestamps cadence
- Dark Matter Annihilation and Pair Instability Supernovae
- Light Axion Emission and the Formation of Merging Black Holes Binaries
- Tidal Love Number calculator
- Axion Instability Supernovae